I first became aware of the academy back in 2014. A friend with a cleaning company in Manchester had been on the course and was picking up regular work from the Ultima and also by marketing his own services around needle sweeps and trauma cleans.
With a background in building and renovation and having added both pest control and waste management into the portfolio the next logical step was extreme cleaning with a definite market gap in my native north east. I enrolled on the course and made the mighty trek from the north east down to Bristol. Ben And mark put on a great show. Very informative with a lot of new insights but straightforward and enthusiastic with lots of tips on sales and marketing too - We’ve never looked back. No two days are the same and cobra north east continues to have double digit growth year on year. Our extreme cleaning revenues now outstrip those from renovations, waste and pest control and we have been well placed during the coronavirus pandemic.
we continue to pick up our fare share of work from the academy and always respond following the up to date guidance they give us as part of their national network I’ve persuaded a pest Control friend of mine in Cumbria to follow the same path and he has done so with the same results.
Ultima has been great for us
It’s not for everyone but if you don’t mind a bit of the grim stuff it can certainly add to your service portfolio